Gurukul. It was a sacred place where all princes seek education. Where they learn how to rule kingdoms and how to rule hearts of the people. Where they used to learn from astronomy to medicine, from political science to economics, from yoga to physical education to defense studies. Such as sword fighting, horse riding, archery, etc. Where they were tutored how to be the best king whom generations will keep alive in their heart. Where they learn everything.

           But Ruling means enemies and enmity. There were so many kingdoms who were enemies of each other and they were keeping that enmity alive generations to generations. As if it was something to be proud. So, to not involve their kingdom's enmity in their education, it was not allowed princes to reveal their identity in the Gurukul as it is a sacred place to seek education. Not a battleground. So, it was not revealed who is the prince of which kingdom. Their names are also changed till the time they are in gurukul. Only Acharya Achalendra, Gurukul's Acharya knows about princes’ real identity.   

            Acharya Achalendra. Achalendra means Lord of mountains. Just like his name he was stable like mountains.  He was expert at everything. He was calm when he was happy and even when angry he stayed calm. He could study people's face and tell what was in their mind. He was considered as a god looking at his skills and nature. And hence every Prince used to learn from him. In the Gurukul. Gurukul was in the middle of the forest 'Aranya' on the mountain.

                  But to gain knowledge from him was not an easy task. Especially for the families of Princes. As they have to follow some rules. like at the age of six princes should be sent at the base of the mountain and from there A disciple of Acharya Achalendra used to pick them up to the gurukul. Prince had to spend twelve years of their life in the Gurukul and in that particular time No one from the families can meet them. At the age of eighteen they used to return to their kingdom. As a warrior.

            A small child who was like a wet mud could become a sculpture of a god; A KING who was shaped in Gurukul whom people of that kingdom used to worship. People will think of him as a God and will go to him for justice. And hence, to make their people happy, Acharya Achalendra used to shape them. And today is the special day for him.

           His favorite two students’ education is complete today. They both will go to their kingdom today and will make their people happy. For him every student is same but not every prince thinks of him as a servant of public. They will behave as if they are God and it is people’s duty to worship them.

          He taught everyone that it is not people’s duty to worship you because they fear you, they should worship you because they trust you. They know that if you are here, they will never face any injustice. They should Love you from their heart. But sadly, not every prince learned this.

            Sighing at his thoughts he went to the entrance of Gurukul, where his both students are waiting for him. To meet him before they start their new life. As always, he saw them glaring at each other. he never understood their problem with each other. they both are kind hearted, courageous, brave, calm and they both will be the great kings. But the moment they see each other, their calmness will wash away like it was never there.

            As they both saw their Acharya walking towards them, they also went forward to touch his feet as a sign of respect. Acharya placed his hands on their heads.

“May all kings will bend down in front of you.” He spoke. They both smiled at him and stood up. One of them turned to other and spoke,

   “You heard na what Acharya said, may all kings will bend down in front of you, then what are you waiting for?? Bend Aarav.”

Aarav rolled his eyes at him and spoke, “He said that to both of us, first you bend and touch my legs then I’ll see if I want to pat your head or I want to kick you with that same leg Anav.”

        Anav clenched his jaw and was about to retort back but Acharya showed their palm. And he knew it’s time to shut up. Acharya eyed both of them and shook his head.

“You both are going to your kingdom. Remember there will be lots of challenges, lots of problems nut you should never break down. Before doing anything think about your people, your army and your kingdom. King is the one who sets an example for people. Mind your actions and even before that mind your words. I believe that you both will flourish your kingdom with happiness and prosperity. And I’m very proud of you both. Never let me down.”

          Both Aarav and Anav nodded their heads. Acharya gestured them to proceed with journey and they both again touched his feet to take a leave. They both started to walk as nobody from kingdom is allowed here so they both have to go back on their own. Aa their kingdom’s boundary will start, their parents will be there to welcome them. To welcome them as a Prince which they are.

    Aarav and Anav was going climb down the mountains from different directions. As they both turned to go Acharya called them. They turned to look at him and he said the most important thing.

“Remember, Togetherness is more powerful than individuality.”

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